- S -

  • scorbiesplittersuppressed

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Scorbie_Splitter https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/scorbiesplittersuppressed.rle

    Size:58x29 | Rule:23/3

  • shiponlongboat_synth

    Glider syntheses of ship on long boat https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ship_on_long_boat

    Size:148x82 | Rule:23/3

  • snark_synth

    Glider synthesis of snark https://conwaylife.com/wiki/snark

    Size:133x130 | Rule:23/3

  • seal

    The first c/6 diagonal spaceship to be found. Has period 6.

    Size:34x35 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • simkinglidergun_synth

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Simkin_glider_gun https://conwaylife.com/patterns/simkinglidergun_synth.rle

    Size:39x33 | Rule:23/3

  • stargatewithlightweightspaceships

    A pattern that advances lightweight spaceships by 30 cells in the c ourse of 28 generations.

    Size:155x133 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • shiftmirroredbun

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Shift-mirrored_bun https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/shiftmirroredbun.rle

    Size:7x6 | Rule:23/3

  • sirrobineater

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sir_Robin Eater for Sir Robin (but not his minstrels), repeat time 557 https://www.conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=57499#p57499 https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sir_Robin https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sirrobineater.rle

    Size:176x354 | Rule:23/3

  • shuriken

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Shuriken https://conwaylife.com/patterns/shuriken.rle https://conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/20/20-21877.rle https://catagolue.appspot.com/object/xs20_cq231eoz012311/b3s23

    Size:7x7 | Rule:23/3

  • stairstephexomino_synth

    Glider synthesis of stairstep hexomino. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Stairstep_hexomino

    Size:7x11 | Rule:23/3

  • scrubber_synth

    A 10-glider synthesis of scrubber https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Scrubber

    Size:50x35 | Rule:23/3

  • shiptie

    A simple 12-cell still life.

    Size:6x6 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • starwithblocks

    A period 3 oscillator that is a modification of star.

    Size:11x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • stargateteleporting

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Star_gate https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/stargateteleporting.rle

    Size:155x133 | Rule:23/3

  • snacker2

    A period 9 oscillator in which two pentadecathlons with stabilizers which force them into a lower period.

    Size:34x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • stopandgo

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Stop_and_go https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/stopandgo.rle

    Size:42x11 | Rule:23/3

  • spaghettimonstereater

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Spaghetti_monster https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/spaghettimonstereater.rle

    Size:250x387 | Rule:23/3

  • stravinsky

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Composers https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/stravinsky.rle

    Size:7x8 | Rule:23/3

  • sqrtgun

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sqrtgun https://conwaylife.com/patterns/sqrtgun.rle

    Size:226x187 | Rule:23/3

  • stillater

    A period 3 oscillator found in September 1985.

    Size:8x8 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • smallstablesplitter

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Stable_reflector https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/smallstablesplitter.rle

    Size:56x44 | Rule:23/3

  • silversp5

    A period 5 oscillator found in February 2000.

    Size:11x7 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sawtooth181

    Sawtooth with minimum population 181, found on 28 April 2015, based on a suggestion by Dongook Lee and shotgun by Brett Berger. Population 181 at T=0, 6960, 849120, 102750480, ..., 58*(121^n-1), ..., giving an expansion factor of 121. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Sawtooth_181

    Size:78x87 | Rule:23/3

  • smallp48hwssgun

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Kok%27s_galaxy https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/smallp48hwssgun.rle

    Size:54x49 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth177

    A sawtooth with minimal repeating population of 177. thunk, 2015-10-27

    Size:68x76 | Rule:23/3

  • smallspacefiller

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Spacefiller https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/smallspacefiller.rle

    Size:49x26 | Rule:23/3

  • semix66

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/X66 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/semix66.rle

    Size:9x11 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth1163

    An orthogonal sawtooth with external timing and expansion factor roughly equal to 2. It works by burning the blinkers given off by a blinker puffer 1. Discovered on October 27, 1992.

    Size:150x219 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sawmillpart3

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sawmill https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sawmillpart3.rle

    Size:432x181 | Rule:23/3

  • snail

    The first c/5 orthogonal spaceship to be discovered. Has period 5. Found in January 1996.

    Size:38x21 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • swine

    extensible p5 oscillator; name short for Scot's p5 With INsErt. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Swine

    Size:37x10 | Rule:23/3

  • snakesiamesesnake_synth

    Glider synthesis of snake siamese snake. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/objname.htm#S

    Size:141x117 | Rule:23/3

  • shurikendot

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Shuriken https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/shurikendot.rle

    Size:8x7 | Rule:23/3

  • sidewalk_synth

    Glider syntheses of sidewalk. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/glider-4.htm

    Size:72x8 | Rule:23/3

  • spartangtomwss

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/H-to-MWSS https://conwaylife.com/patterns/spartangtomwss.rle

    Size:131x137 | Rule:23/3

  • spacenonfiller

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Space_nonfiller https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/spacenonfiller.rle

    Size:37x31 | Rule:23/3

  • shiponquadpole_synth

    Glider syntheses of ship on quadpole https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ship_on_quadpole

    Size:148x88 | Rule:23/3

  • simeks180degreereflector

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Speed_tunnel https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/simeks180degreereflector.rle

    Size:22x23 | Rule:23/3

  • smallp6pipsquirter

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/P6_pipsquirter https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/smallp6pipsquirter.rle

    Size:14x10 | Rule:23/3

  • syringegtoh_synth

    Glider synthesis of syringe https://conwaylife.com/wiki/syringe

    Size:301x274 | Rule:23/3

  • shiptie_synth

    Glider syntheses of ship-ties. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/glider-4.htm

    Size:151x116 | Rule:23/3

  • spider

    A c/5 period 5 orthogonal spaceship found in April 1997. It is the smallest known c/5 spaceship.

    Size:27x8 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sidesnagger


    Size:13x9 | Rule:23/3

  • scorpion

    A 16-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Scorpion

    Size:7x6 | Rule:23/3

  • samplec4greyship

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/C/4_orthogonal https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/samplec4greyship.rle

    Size:177x183 | Rule:23/3

  • symmetricscorpion_synth

    4-glider synthesis of symmetric scorpion https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Symmetric_scorpion https://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=12276#p12276

    Size:30x11 | Rule:23/3

  • shiponlongboat

    A 13-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ship_on_long_boat

    Size:7x7 | Rule:23/3

  • slowpuffer2_synth

    Glider synthesis of slow puffer 2. https://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=142529#p142529 https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Slow_puffer_2

    Size:154x119 | Rule:23/3

  • snakepit

    A period 2 oscillator with the same rotor as fore and back.

    Size:7x7 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sparky

    An orthogonal c/4 period 4 tagalong.

    Size:30x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snakebridgesnake_synth

    Glider syntheses of snake bridge snake https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Snake_bridge_snake

    Size:109x45 | Rule:23/3

  • smiley_synth

    Glider synthesis of smiley https://conwaylife.com/wiki/smiley

    Size:28x46 | Rule:23/3

  • snackeron38p7.2

    A small non-trivial period 63 oscillator

    Size:24x20 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • skewedprepulsar

    This pattern evolves similarly to a pre-pulsar, but it is unstable.

    Size:9x5 | Rule:23/3

  • statorlessp3

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Statorless_p3 https://conwaylife.com/patterns/statorlessp3.rle

    Size:31x28 | Rule:23/3

  • symmetricalsynapse

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Symmetrical_synapse https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/symmetricalsynapse.rle

    Size:9x9 | Rule:23/3

  • smalllake_synth

    Glider syntheses of small lake https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Small_lake

    Size:84x54 | Rule:23/3

  • simkinsp60

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Simkin%27s_p60 https://conwaylife.com/patterns/simkinsp60.rle

    Size:33x31 | Rule:23/3

  • sokweshuttle

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Period-52_glider_gun https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sokweshuttle.rle

    Size:307x125 | Rule:23/3

  • spacefiller2

    A spacefiller that fills space with zebra stripes.

    Size:25x35 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • statorlessp6

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Statorless_p6 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/statorlessp6.rle

    Size:21x6 | Rule:23/3

  • spiralgrowth

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Spiral_growth https://conwaylife.com/patterns/spiralgrowth.rle

    Size:1966x2007 | Rule:23/3

  • shortp11doublelengthsignalinjector

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/P11_double-length_signal_injector https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/shortp11doublelengthsignalinjector.rle

    Size:15x16 | Rule:23/3

  • sidecar_synth

    Glider synthesis of sidecar. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/sship.htm

    Size:65x14 | Rule:23/3

  • ship_synth

    Glider synthesis of ships. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/glider-3.htm

    Size:148x104 | Rule:23/3

  • skewbracketpulsar

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Bracket_pulsar https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/skewbracketpulsar.rle

    Size:15x17 | Rule:23/3

  • shipinabottle

    A period 16 oscillator found in August 1994.

    Size:18x18 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • slidegun

    A diagonal slide gun constructed on September 3, 1999 https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Slide_gun

    Size:109x59 | Rule:23/3

  • speedtunnel

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Speed_tunnel https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/speedtunnel.rle

    Size:40x33 | Rule:23/3

  • stopandrestart

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Stop_and_restart https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/stopandrestart.rle

    Size:58x59 | Rule:23/3

  • silversreflector

    497-tick stable reflector Discovered in November 1998 The smallest and fastest spartan 180- and 90-degree stable reflector, the smallest stable glider duplicator altogether, as of February 2015.

    Size:194x219 | Rule:23/3

  • switchwave

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Switchwave https://conwaylife.com/patterns/switchwave.rle

    Size:78x78 | Rule:23/3

  • sw1t43

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/SW1T43 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sw1t43.rle

    Size:17x18 | Rule:23/3

  • squaredance

    A period 2 agar.

    Size:40x40 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snarkcatalystvariants

    four Snark catalyst variants Top: original variant by Mike Playle Left: Shannon Omick (better clearance on a diagonal) Right: Heinrich Koenig (better clearance on a different diagonal) Bottom: Simon Ekstrom (better clearance on two diagonals) https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Snark https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/snarkcatalystvariants.rle

    Size:51x52 | Rule:23/3

  • stillater_synth

    Glider synthesis of stillater https://conwaylife.com/wiki/stillater

    Size:104x34 | Rule:23/3

  • shillelagh

    A common 8-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Shillelagh

    Size:5x3 | Rule:23/3

  • snakepit2_synth

    Glider synthesis of snake pit 2. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/objname.htm#S

    Size:36x21 | Rule:23/3

  • statorlessp5

    Found in June 2016, using Nicolay Beluchenko's version of WLS https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Statorless_p5 https://conwaylife.com/patterns/statorlessp5.rle

    Size:15x14 | Rule:23/3

  • surprise

    A period 3 oscillator found in November 1972.

    Size:10x9 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snackeron34p14shuttle

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/34P14_shuttle https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/snackeron34p14shuttle.rle

    Size:24x20 | Rule:23/3

  • spacefiller1

    A spacefiller that once was the smallest known.

    Size:29x43 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • switchablelwssgun

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Switchable_gun https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/switchablelwssgun.rle

    Size:122x100 | Rule:23/3

  • syringegliderextraction

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Syringe https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/syringegliderextraction.rle

    Size:230x67 | Rule:23/3

  • swanweldgoose

    A swan and a Canada goose that have been welded together.

    Size:34x21 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • stilllifetagalong

    An orthogonal c/2 period 4 spaceship that pulls a pond.

    Size:19x17 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • silvergtoh

    Silver G-to-H https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Silver_G-to-H https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/silvergtoh.rle

    Size:76x101 | Rule:23/3

  • switchengine

    A methuselah with lifespan 3911 that can be used to make c/12 diagonal puffers and spaceships.

    Size:6x4 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • syringe_synth

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Syringe https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/syringe_synth.rle

    Size:247x244 | Rule:23/3

  • symmetricalsynapsepredecessor

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Symmetrical_synapse https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/symmetricalsynapsepredecessor.rle

    Size:29x7 | Rule:23/3

  • scotsp5

    A period 5 oscillator found in 2008.

    Size:13x7 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • shipmaker

    A period 4 diagonal lightspeed fuse that makes ships as it burns.

    Size:41x40 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • spacenonfillerplusdiehard

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Space_nonfiller https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/spacenonfillerplusdiehard.rle

    Size:63x57 | Rule:23/3

  • sealtagalong2

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Seal https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sealtagalong2.rle

    Size:88x74 | Rule:23/3

  • shiftmirroredbookend

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Shift-mirrored_bookend https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/shiftmirroredbookend.rle

    Size:7x6 | Rule:23/3

  • syringegtoh

    A fast and compact glider-to-Herschel converter. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Syringe

    Size:24x34 | Rule:23/3

  • sealtagalong1

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Seal https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sealtagalong1.rle

    Size:88x87 | Rule:23/3

  • swan

    A diagonal period 4 c/4 spaceship that produces some useful sparks. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Swan

    Size:24x12 | Rule:23/3

  • simkinglidergun1

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Simkin_glider_gun https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/simkinglidergun1.rle

    Size:33x21 | Rule:23/3

  • schumann

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Composers https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/schumann.rle

    Size:6x9 | Rule:23/3

  • silversp5onsnake

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Silver%27s_p5 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/silversp5onsnake.rle

    Size:11x7 | Rule:23/3

  • sixtynine

    A period 4 oscillator found in October 1978.

    Size:21x21 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snakesiameselongsnake

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Snake_siamese_long_snake https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/snakesiameselongsnake.rle

    Size:3x8 | Rule:23/3

  • shiptiesnake

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Ship_tie_snake https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/shiptiesnake.rle

    Size:7x5 | Rule:23/3

  • spacerake

    An orthogonal period 20 c/2 forward glider rake.

    Size:22x19 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • simkinglidergunboatbitvariant

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Simkin_glider_gun https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/simkinglidergunboatbitvariant.rle

    Size:33x22 | Rule:23/3

  • strictlyvolatilep6

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Statorless_p6 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/strictlyvolatilep6.rle

    Size:20x20 | Rule:23/3

  • schickengine

    An orthogonal period 12 c/2 tagalong found in 1972.

    Size:20x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snake_synth

    Glider syntheses of snakes. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/glider-4.htm

    Size:98x74 | Rule:23/3

  • snorkelloop_synth

    A six-glider synthesis of snorkel loop https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Snorkel_loop

    Size:33x17 | Rule:23/3

  • superpond

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Super_pond https://conwaylife.com/patterns/superpond.rle

    Size:8x8 | Rule:23/3

  • snakedance_synth

    16-glider synthesis of snake dance https://www.conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=74101#p74101 https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Snake_dance https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/snakedance_synth.rle

    Size:69x47 | Rule:23/3

  • skewedtrafficlight

    A period 3 oscillator found in August 1989.

    Size:24x22 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sixls_synth

    18-glider synthesis of six L's https://www.conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=74258#p74258 https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Six_Ls https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sixls_synth.rle

    Size:126x61 | Rule:23/3

  • sparkcoil_synth

    Glider syntheses of spark coils. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/glider-4.htm

    Size:75x8 | Rule:23/3

  • simkinglidergun

    A true period 120 glider gun, found on April 28, 2015.

    Size:33x21 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • slowpuffer1

    An orthogonal period 744 c/2 puffer that outputs a single blinker once every 744 generations.

    Size:82x73 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snakeandtable

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Up_snake_on_table https://conwaylife.com/patterns/snakeandtable.rle

    Size:7x4 | Rule:23/3

  • sprayer

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sprayer https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sprayer.rle

    Size:80x178 | Rule:23/3

  • snacker_synth

    Glider synthesis of snacker. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/objname.htm#S

    Size:150x137 | Rule:23/3

  • scorbiesplitter

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Scorbie_Splitter https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/scorbiesplitter.rle

    Size:58x29 | Rule:23/3

  • shillelaghsiamesesnake

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Shillelagh_siamese_snake https://conwaylife.com/patterns/shillelaghsiamesesnake.rle

    Size:3x8 | Rule:23/3

  • spiral

    A 20-cell still life consisting of a tub with four tails. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Spiral

    Size:7x7 | Rule:23/3

  • smalllake

    A 20-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Small_lake

    Size:9x9 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth201

    slightly smaller pop-201 sawtooth https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sawtooth_201 Population 201 at T=0, 1840, 88320, 4152880, 195187200, 9173800240, 431168613120, etc. -- asymptotically approaching (from above) an expansion factor of 47 https://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1590#p18778

    Size:55x79 | Rule:23/3

  • snake

    A common 6-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Snake

    Size:4x2 | Rule:23/3

  • stilllifepiseeds

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Seed https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/stilllifepiseeds.rle

    Size:44x8 | Rule:23/3

  • sidewalk

    A 14-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sidewalk

    Size:6x5 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth1846

    A sawtooth with expansion factor 25 that was found on August 26, 1992.

    Size:370x118 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • swminus2t21

    SW-2T21 The beehive variant of a common Herschel-to-glider converter that allows a Herschel's first natural glider to escape https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/SW-2 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/swminus2t21.rle

    Size:13x8 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth262

    A sawtooth created on July 9, 2005 with a minimum repeating population of 262 https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sawtooth_260

    Size:223x161 | Rule:23/3

  • shiponquadpole

    A period 2 oscillator made up of a ship diagonally touching a quadpole.

    Size:10x10 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • soba

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Soba https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/soba.rle

    Size:31x40 | Rule:23/3

  • snarkbreaker

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Snarkbreaker https://conwaylife.com/patterns/snarkbreaker.rle

    Size:819x907 | Rule:23/3

  • smallerp50gun

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Period-50_glider_gun https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/smallerp50gun.rle

    Size:56x33 | Rule:23/3

  • snakesiameseverylongsnake

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Snake_siamese_very_long_snake https://conwaylife.com/patterns/snakesiameseverylongsnake.rle

    Size:4x9 | Rule:23/3

  • switchengine_synth

    3-glider synthesis of an unstabilized switch engine https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/switchengine_synth.rle

    Size:14x8 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • shortkeys_synth

    6-glider synthesis of short keys https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Short_keys https://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=12616#p12600

    Size:37x8 | Rule:23/3

  • smallp120hwssgun

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Kok%27s_galaxy https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/smallp120hwssgun.rle

    Size:72x56 | Rule:23/3

  • stairstephexominogenerator

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Lumps_of_muck https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/stairstephexominogenerator.rle

    Size:4x3 | Rule:23/3

  • sidecar

    An orthogonal period 4 c/2 tagalong for the heavyweight spaceship that was found in 1992.

    Size:8x10 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • switchenginechannel

    Stable conduit for a c/12 switch engine https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Switch_engine_channel https://conwaylife.com/patterns/switchenginechannel.rle

    Size:56x56 | Rule:23/3

  • star_synth

    A 20-glider synthesis of the period 3 star

    Size:85x67 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • smiley

    A period 8 oscillator found in July 1994.

    Size:7x7 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sealtagalong0

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Seal https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sealtagalong0.rle https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Seal https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sealtagalong0.rle

    Size:55x55 | Rule:23/3

  • symmetricscorpion

    A 16-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Symmetric_scorpion

    Size:7x5 | Rule:23/3

  • sparkcoil

    A period 2 oscillator found in 1971.

    Size:8x5 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • scrubber_with_blocks

    Size:11x11 | Rule:23/3

  • shillelagh_synth

    Glider syntheses of shillelaghs. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/glider-4.htm

    Size:154x118 | Rule:23/3

  • schickengine_synth

    Glider synthesis of Schick engine. https://www.conwaylife.com/ref/mniemiec/objname.htm#S

    Size:126x76 | Rule:23/3

  • ship

    A common 6-cell still life.

    Size:3x3 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snorkelloop

    A 12-cell still life. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Snorkel_loop

    Size:6x5 | Rule:23/3

  • sparkingeaters

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sparking_eater https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sparkingeaters.rle

    Size:56x16 | Rule:23/3

  • slr487

    A stable glider reflector with a repeat time of 487, discovered on April 12, 2009. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/487-tick_reflector

    Size:134x95 | Rule:23/3

  • sidecargun

    A true period 60 sidecar gun that was created on March 7, 2000.

    Size:213x142 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • shortkeys

    A period 3 oscillator.

    Size:12x4 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snark

    The fastest and smallest 90-degree stable glider reflector (as of June 2013).

    Size:17x23 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • spartangtoh

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Silver_G-to-H https://conwaylife.com/patterns/spartangtoh.rle

    Size:95x159 | Rule:23/3

  • scrubber

    A period 2 oscillator found in 1971.

    Size:11x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sawmillpart2

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sawmill https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sawmillpart2.rle

    Size:248x93 | Rule:23/3

  • sombreros

    A period 6 oscillator found in 1972. If the two halves are moved closer by 3 cells, a period 4 oscillator results.

    Size:18x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sawmillexample

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sawmill https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sawmillexample.rle

    Size:481x414 | Rule:23/3

  • smalllakevariants

    Two variants of the Small lake. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Small_lake

    Size:21x9 | Rule:23/3

  • scholar

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Scholar https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/scholar.rle

    Size:23x81 | Rule:23/3

  • shiponsnake

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Ship_tie_snake https://conwaylife.com/patterns/shiponsnake.rle

    Size:7x5 | Rule:23/3

  • scorpion_synth

    Glider syntheses of scorpion https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Scorpion

    Size:35x47 | Rule:23/3

  • skewedquad

    A period 2 oscillator and muttering moat.

    Size:7x7 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • slowpuffer2

    An orthogonal period 240 c/2 puffer that moves fast but creates relatively little debris.

    Size:22x21 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sesquihat

    A 13-cell still life that is roughly halfway between a hat and twin hat. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sesquihat

    Size:7x5 | Rule:23/3

  • swanboatstretcher

    A boatstretcher based on Tim Coe's swan, found on February 20, 1996 https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Swan

    Size:24x15 | Rule:23/3

  • siesta

    A period 5 oscillator found in 1973.

    Size:16x12 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sawtooth362

    A diagonal sawtooth with minimum repeating population 362 that was found on August 29, 1992.

    Size:168x306 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • slowpuffer2rake

    Size:183x79 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth1

    The first sawtooth ever constructed, it was built on April 10, 1991 and has an expansion factor of 21.

    Size:173x114 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sixls

    A period 3 oscillator that has the same rotor as loading dock.

    Size:7x8 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • shortkeyandskewedpole

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Short_key_and_skewed_pole https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/shortkeyandskewedpole.rle

    Size:12x6 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth633

    A sawtooth pattern found on May 15, 1992. It has a minimum repeating population of 633.

    Size:272x69 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sawtooth260

    The smallest sawtooth in terms of its minimum repeating population of 260 discovered on March 19, 2010 https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sawtooth_260

    Size:154x100 | Rule:23/3

  • snakebridgesnake

    A 12-cell still life composed of two diagonally-touching snakes. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Snake_bridge_snake

    Size:6x6 | Rule:23/3

  • superfountain

    A period 4 sparker with a lone spark separated from the rest of the oscillator by two full rows of dead cells.

    Size:46x25 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sailboat

    A period 16 oscillator made of a boat that is hassled by a Kok's galaxy, a figure eight, and two eater 3s. Found in June 1984.

    Size:29x25 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • shiponbipole

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Ship_on_bipole https://conwaylife.com/patterns/shiponbipole.rle

    Size:8x8 | Rule:23/3

  • skewedquad_synth

    8-glider synthesis of skewed quad https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Skewed_quad https://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=15718#p15718

    Size:30x15 | Rule:23/3

  • silversp5_synth

    Glider syntheses of Silver's p5 https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Silver%27s_p5

    Size:74x111 | Rule:23/3

  • shipontripole

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Tripole_tie_ship https://conwaylife.com/patterns/shipontripole.rle

    Size:9x9 | Rule:23/3

  • sidecareater

    A pattern that is capable of eating a sidecar.

    Size:18x14 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sealtagalong

    Seal tagalong discovered 22 September 2005 https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Seal https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sealtagalong.rle

    Size:55x55 | Rule:23/3

  • skewrbees

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Skew_R-bees https://conwaylife.com/patterns/skewrbees.rle

    Size:7x6 | Rule:23/3

  • shiftbookendandbun

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Shift-bookend_and_bun https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/shiftbookendandbun.rle

    Size:7x6 | Rule:23/3

  • sesquihat_synth

    Glider syntheses of sesquihat https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sesquihat

    Size:111x103 | Rule:23/3

  • strictlyvolatilep4

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Strictly_volatile_p4 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/strictlyvolatilep4.rle

    Size:68x68 | Rule:23/3

  • silvergtohplusf166

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Silver_G-to-H https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/silvergtohplusf166.rle

    Size:125x102 | Rule:23/3

  • sphere

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Bounded_grids https://conwaylife.com/patterns/sphere.rle

    Size:100x100 | Rule:23/3

  • snakesiamesesnake

    A 10-cell still life composed of two snakes. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Snake_siamese_snake

    Size:7x2 | Rule:23/3

  • sawtooth562

    An orthogonal sawtooth with expansion factor 6. It was found on August 14, 1992.

    Size:114x74 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • semicenark42tickrecovery

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Semi-cenark https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/semicenark42tickrecovery.rle

    Size:37x37 | Rule:23/3

  • smallerp61gun

    A period-61 glider gun discovered in April 2016. https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Period-61_glider_gun

    Size:204x185 | Rule:23/3

  • sawmillpart1

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sawmill https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sawmillpart1.rle

    Size:199x180 | Rule:23/3

  • snackersjostlingtwoblocks

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Pentadecathlons_jostling_two_blocks https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/snackersjostlingtwoblocks.rle

    Size:22x24 | Rule:23/3

  • stargate

    A pattern that advances lightweight spaceships by 30 cells in the c ourse of 28 generations.

    Size:155x126 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • signalelbow

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Signal_elbow https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/signalelbow.rle

    Size:34x44 | Rule:23/3

  • smallersombreros

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sombreros https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/smallersombreros.rle

    Size:15x11 | Rule:23/3

  • snakepit2

    A period 3 oscillator.

    Size:11x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sidewinder

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sidewinder https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sidewinder.rle

    Size:18x12 | Rule:23/3

  • shiponbipole_synth

    Glider syntheses of ship on bipole https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ship_on_bipole

    Size:159x134 | Rule:23/3

  • star

    A period 3 oscillator found in February 1993.

    Size:11x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • sawtooth269

    A sawtooth created on July 7, 2005 that has a minimum repeating population of 269.

    Size:151x107 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snakedance

    A period 3 oscillator found in May 1972.

    Size:9x9 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snakewithfeather

    A small 11-bit still life. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Snake_with_feather

    Size:7x4 | Rule:23/3

  • superloaf

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Super_loaf https://conwaylife.com/patterns/superloaf.rle

    Size:7x7 | Rule:23/3

  • swminus2

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/SW-2 https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/swminus2.rle

    Size:42x44 | Rule:23/3

  • semisnark

    A Spartan conduit, reflecting every other glider, found in July 2013.

    Size:19x19 | Rule:23/3

  • spaghettimonster

    The first 3c/7 orthogonal spaceship to be discovered. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Spaghetti_monster

    Size:27x137 | Rule:23/3

  • supermango

    A 15-bit still life. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Super_mango

    Size:6x7 | Rule:23/3

  • stairstephexomino

    One of 35 hexominoes. It is a predecessor of the blockade.

    Size:4x3 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • speedbooster

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Speed_booster https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/speedbooster.rle

    Size:64x23 | Rule:23/3

  • snacker

    A period 9 oscillator consisting of a pentadecathlon with stabilizers that force it into a lower period.

    Size:20x11 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • stilllifes

    A collection of small still lifes.

    Size:108x76 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • snakewithfeather_synth

    5-glider synthesis for snake with feather / 11.45 https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Snake_with_feather https://conwaylife.com/patterns/snakewithfeather_synth.rle https://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3267#p56602

    Size:30x30 | Rule:23/3

  • syringe

    https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Syringe https://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/syringe.rle

    Size:41x36 | Rule:23/3

  • sirrobin

    The first elementary knightship to be found in Conway's Game of Life. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Sir_Robin

    Size:31x79 | Rule:23/3

  • smallstilllifes

    The 100 smallest still lifes.

    Size:273x93 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • spentomino

    One of the 12 pentominoes.

    Size:4x2 | Rule:23/3 | @lifewiki

  • skewedeureka

    A skewed variant of Eureka https://conwaylife.com/wiki/Eureka

    Size:19x11 | Rule:23/3

  • smallernewshuttle

    The second period 28 oscillator to be found https://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/index.php?title=Newshuttle

    Size:35x20 | Rule:23/3