tlogtsquared Population in gen t is asymptotic to t log(t)^2 / (12 log(3)^2). More specifically, for n>=4, the population in gen 20 3^n + 90 is (5n^2 + 43) 3^(n-1) - (15n^4 + 70n^3 + 237n^2 + 254n)/12 + 3440. In gen 20 3^n - 123 (n>=2), a glider in an exponential aperiodic device bounces off a fixed reflector. The bounce turns on a MWSS gun and sends a glider toward a diagonal line of boats, as in the linear aperiodic pattern. The MWSSs destifle guns produced by a stifled breeder. When a glider returns from the nearest boat, the MWSS gun is turned off, having produced n+1 MWSSs. In gen t, about log(t)/log(3) MWSS pulses have occurred, activating about log(t)^2 / (2 log(3)^2) guns, which have produced about t log(t)^2 / (60 log(3)^2) gliders.